Friday Favorites: Lovevery

Each Friday I want to talk about something that I absolutely loved this week. I want to highlight something material, delicious, or an experience or activity that brought me or my family joy. My Friday Favorites are things that enrich my life and make my life easier, exciting, or generally happy. This week’s Friday Favorites highlights one of my favorite baby brands: Lovevery.

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I had everything I could possibly need or want on the cusp of Daniel’s arrival into this world. Then I learned about Lovevery. My friend whose babe is 8 weeks older than Daniel almost to the day had a Lovevery play gym. I was smitten with how pretty it was and intrigued by the design and developmental prospects for my baby.

Danny has the best grandma (and subsequently, I, the best mom) and she always makes sure we all have the best of everything. Naturally, a Lovevery play gym arrived at my house shortly after Daniel was born. We play on this mat every day.

Lovevery doesn’t just make this beautiful play gym though. Shortly after receiving it (and falling in love with it), I discovered that they also offer a subscription box. Oh man, did I covet these boxes. I went back and forth for months on whether or not to subscribe. It was a challenge to justify such a purchase right around the holidays.

One night while I was up late feeding Daniel I went for it. I had to see for myself what the hype was all about. Daniel was already 5 months old, which put him at the third box. After reading about the boxes I decided to backtrack and order the 3-4 month box in addition to the box for his age.

These boxes are WORTH IT. Oh how I LOVE these toys. Why, you ask, do I love them so much? I love them because Danny LOVES them. I so regret not taking pictures or recording him when I opened up that first box. It was the box right below his age group and he was PUMPED for every toy in that box. Some of his favorite toys to date are still ones that came from that box (I have serious regret about not getting the first one too so he would have the whole collection but I digress).

Not only are the toys high quality and exceptionally well-made but they have great longevity. Danny plays with all of the toys and he is growing into the new boxes every other month. There are still some toys that he hasn’t quite mastered yet (like the tissue box). This gives us so many opportunities to play and try new things.

For those of you who don’t know, I am a teacher by trade. I learned really quickly that I have no idea how to teach babies or how babies learn despite my extensive qualifications for teaching (I teach high school, they’re big babies right? No?). With every item they sell, Lovevery sends a deck of instructions. Explicit and open-ended instructions for the care of your toys and for ideas on how to play with them. They outline for your how to facilitate learning for your baby and what skills they can master with each toy. There is NO WAY I would know any of this on my own.

My opinion is that it’s worth the price. The play gym washes really well, the toys clean up well, Danny loves exploring the toys, and mommy loves learning new things from the cards! I’ve got my eye on a set of blocks, the play tunnel, and the pull pup too!

Does your baby have a favorite toy? I’d love to hear what they’re loving these days! We’re always looking for new ways to play and fun things to enjoy!

About The Author


First time mom of one blogging about motherhood, marriage, experience, and what the heck to make for dinner.