Happy Summer!

Hello again friends! Happy Summer! It’s been a few months since I’ve written any blog posts. Actually, that’s untrue. It’s been a few months since I have published any blog posts. I have quite a few irons in the fire in that regard but I’m not going to lie, I have been tired.

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I’m tired in every sense of the word. Having a near 10.5 month old is tiring despite the fact that he blesses us with 10-12 hour nights worth of sleep. I’m tired of feeling isolated from friends and family. I’m tired of this pandemic. I’m tired of grocery shopping. I’m occasionally tired of critical thinking. I’m tired of uncertainty. Sometimes I’m just plain tired.

Alas, here I am. Just because I haven’t been posting much doesn’t mean I’m not active. I may be tired but I’m not uninspired. I’ve been expressing my creativity in different avenues recently and I would love to share some of those adventures with you.

Daniel is pushing 11 months old now, which is stressful in more ways than one. The sheer fact my sweet tiny baby is getting so big right before my eyes at record speed is certainly enough to do me in. We took him on his first camping trip and his first trip to the beach this month (two birds, one stone!). I was pleasantly surprised that camping with a baby wasn’t total chaos and that taking a baby to the beach was in fact relaxing.

Dave and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary at the end of June with a lovely meal at our favorite seafood place. Venturing out in the world has been really nerve wracking but we’re grateful to have places that take the health and safety of its patrons seriously. Dave got me this awesome book for our anniversary since I’ve been dappling in some bread baking. Let’s just say dappling has turned me into a full fledged artisan bread baker. I highly recommend Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast and will be sharing my breadventures with you as my hobby grows.

Cooking and baking have always been a relaxing outlet for me. In addition to cleaning and organizing that is. I’ve been expanding my recipe book with new cookies and other sweets like brown butter chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon rolls. Summer has me ready for some tart lemon bars so stay tuned for that too.

I’m also in the throes of planning a “party” for Daniel’s first birthday. I’m planning to do a lot of DIY and still make it extra special despite the likely lack of attendance. I can’t wait to share what I’ve got up my sleeve and what I’ll actually accomplish doing some things myself.

Thanks for following, reading, and sharing what you like from my little blog. I hope it serves as some fun and inspiration when you need it most.

About The Author


First time mom of one blogging about motherhood, marriage, experience, and what the heck to make for dinner.